Saturday, April 22, 2017

Back On The Horse - Journey Back To Funded.

Still here and diligently working my way back to TopstepTrader's funded department.

They have FINALLY done away with the 10-Day rule that was such a challenge for me, due to the historical expectancy of my approach to the markets and the fact that being positive with the method (in a way sufficient to weather any bad luck in the form of a DD...) after 10 days in an account isn't a given.

As mentioned in my last post, I'm very active on You Tube now because "blogging is so 90's" (lol @ L&W) and I'm enjoying giving back to the medium that has given me so much inspiration and so many ideas.

If you haven't done so already, smash that "SUBSCRIBE" button and watch me hit those goals over the next few months!

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