Monday, November 30, 2015

The Golden Mean!

The Golden Key - a video by Jonathan Quintin Art
The Golden Key - a video by Jonathan Quintin ArtPhi: 1.618 is the ratio the universe uses to multiply and divide itself at all scales...Explore the connected universe in an interactive online learning community with Nassim Haramein, the Academy faculty and participants from around the world: The Resonance Academy –> Delegate level 1 Course: Exploring Unified Physics is a comprehensive, self-paced online multimedia course packed with 30 years of research and the latest information on this topic. This material can literally transform the way you look at the world as it helps you to better understand our universe. Come join the thousands of people who are engaging with each other and our progressive faculty team in this co-creative learning community. Registration are open.The Resonance Project • The Resonance Project - Página Oficial Hispana • The Resonance Project - Traduction Française • The Resonance Project - Polska 8 The connected universe • The Resonance Project 共振企劃 • פרוייקט תהודה - The Resonance Project • (post by Jamie Janover)
Posted by Nassim Haramein on Monday, 2 November 2015